Brief About Radiant Barriers
One of Akshar CoPack LLC’s essential products is Radiant Barrier, Thermal Heat Insulation Material, which consists of 99% Pure Aluminium Sheet, High-Quality HDPE Fabric, Unique Thermal property, which is commonly used in the building industry and all forms of KI as well as under the room or roof insulation. This high reflexiveness and dumb emitting façade mainly represent 95-97 percent of the house’s radiant heat; the Factory Shed – one of the energy-efficient, green building materials, a Durable & Cheap Commodity, simple to use for our industry.
In 1925, two German businessmen, Schmidt and Dykerhoff, submitted patents on reflective surfaces for building insulation after recent technical advances made aluminium foil economically feasible.
A radiant barrier is a type of building material, reflecting thermal radiation and minimising heat transfer. As thermal energy is often transmitted by conduction and convection, radiant barriers are reinforced with thermal insulation that slows down heat transfer by conduction or convection.

A radiant barrier absorbs heat emission (radiant heat), removing a clear, low-emitting surface from one side of the barrier to another. This surface is usually a very thin, mirror-like foil in building applications. The foil may be painted for element resistance or abrasion resistance. The one- or two-sided radiant layer. One side radiant barrier can be applied to insulating materials such as polyisocyanurate, rigid foam, bubble insulation, or OSB. Reflective tape can be adhered to radiant barrier strips to create a contiguous vapour barrier or, similarly, can be perforated for vapour transmission.
Application of Radiant Barrier/
Reflective Barrier
Manufacture of Radiant Barriers In Ahmedabad
We use the most advanced and ground-breaking technologies to make incremental progress across the globe. We always continuously emphasize on an unfazed focus towards the satisfaction and success of the client.
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